We'll never do this again - not because it was hard, it was also a joy - but because our beautiful Jet went through so much that we never meant to put her through. The whole experience will always be with us though - from the tears of joy at five little pups alive and breathing on their own, to tears of sadness at the sudden loss of what we thought was our strongest pup, and now missing the little lives who were so much a part of ours.
As I write, Jet is giving Bella a full bath - christening her into what she knows to be her new life. While Bella is staying with us, she now has no puppies to play with, and perhaps the hardest life of all - living with mom and dad. It's a very strange day here, but a happy one, knowing all of the pups went to wonderful homes where they will be loved and cared for.
Thursday evening, Precious left for her new home where she will have two female German Shepherd dogs to watch over her and teach her.
Friday evening, Gizmo went on to live with his new family, where he will have to other male German Shepherd dogs to watch over and teach him.
And this morning, Bear met a little boy with surprise on his face before a long journey to his new home, where he will have a female German Shepherd dog to watch over and teach him.
It's very very hard to let them go, but we know we cannot give the attention each needs with a family so large.
But let us now formally introduce, Hoover's Curly Lady Bella
What am I supposed to do with this?
Hey, moooooooooom
It's going to take a little adjusting - but I think we'll all be getting back to normal now - whatever that is :)
Bye bye sweet babies - we will hopefully be seeing you all again one day in the not so distant future :)
Peace and much Love,
Dan and Michele