Sunday, December 11, 2011

The December Greenhouse

Thankful for the sun ten days from Winter Solstice, I took the annual pictures of the December greenhouse. We are very lucky this year to have had eggplant and habanero peppers right until Thanksgiving. We pulled those that weekend and seeded some Radicchio and Peas to see what they would do. Here is the roundup:

We had not been able to grow Lettuce all year this year (we only used seeds we had from previous years and germination was not good this year), but finally it is growing in the greenhouse.

We have Swiss Chard,


Red Beets,



and Leeks.

The Chives have been cut back inside the greenhouse. There are still harvestable Chives outside - these will grow throughout the winter.

Italian Parsley has germinated and should grow the rest of the winter.

and my prize every December - my Greek Oregano is doing fine.

Outside, there are still onions, radishes, leeks, and broccoli.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Peace from Dharma Dogs Farm