Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Good Day

Early morning bird songs fill the air
Knelt down in the early morning dew
Face toward Mother Earth - I am free

A faint click of the inverter signals Father Sun is rounding the oaks
Jingle of tags on collars prove my companions-protectors are with me
Grandmother spider scurries in front of me, snatching bugs as I pull up their cover
Daddy bluebird watches over chattering little ones while mommy catches a bite

Peach, pear, cherry, and hazelnuts rustle in the light breeze while almond sways gently
Barn owls who their good night-end as they settle in -
Second totem, after Wolf, before Raven
Pain reminds me my daily path is not true

Tiny yellow flowers dance like faeries over the lady's mantle
A snap of peppermint floods childhood memories -
Incense and peppermints and strawberry alarm clocks
Pretty red roses remind me of a friend who saved me
Sun-soaked to the core of my soul - I am happy

Charentais flowers unfold their faces toward the sun
Mason bees buzz happily in the tomato forest
A tribe of chipmunks sounds the warning
As hawk settles majestically in the white pine

Cackling hens signal fresh eggs
An old squaw - some say medicine woman - creaks without groaning
Red beet soldiers line up for thinning - the selection process is brutal
Black swallowtail dances effortlessly-carelessly through the air

Strawberries half red, blueberries almost blue
Raspberries are plump with promise
Air heavy with the intoxicating smell of honeysuckle
It must be June at Dharma Dogs Farm

Weli Kishku

Lenape for:
Thank you
Have a Good Day